New Vehicles to Have Mandatory Safety Features

New vehicles – including those on sale in the UK – are to be equipped with a wealth of mandatory safety features starting in 2022 following European Union (EU) agreement. The UK Government, following Brexit and the nation’s departure from the EU, is expected to mirror the EU standards designed to protect vehicle occupants, vulnerable […]

FORS Publish New Tyre Management Guide

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS), of which Jaama is an Associate member, has published a new tyre management guide to advise members on how best practice can help improve tyre wear, increase vehicle safety and reduce a vehicle’s environmental impact. The new ‘FORS Tyre Management Guide for Operators’ highlights the positive impact a robust tyre […]

Spring Statement Fails to Clarify Future Company Car Tax

The fleet industry has expressed “disappointment” at the failure of Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond to clarify company car benefit-in-kind tax rates for the next five years. Fleet managers and company car drivers had been hoping that last week’s Spring Statement from the Chancellor would provide clarity on future tax rates from April 2020, which will […]

Jaama Adds New eSignature Module to Key2

Industry-leading fleet software innovator Jaama has taken another big step towards enabling customers to have a paperless office with the launch of a new eSignature Module to complement its multi award-winning Key2 system. The eSignature Module enables a document to be sent, signed using an electronic signature, and instantly returned back into the system. It […]

Making Tax Digital Arrives 1 April 2019

Making Tax Digital (MTD) is fast approaching, so what is it and who will it affect? What is Making Tax Digital? From 1 April 2019 VAT registered businesses with a taxable turnover above the VAT registration threshold (£85,000) will need to keep digital VAT records and submit their VAT return to HMRC using MTD compatible […]

Investment in Fleet Software Drives Efficiency Improvements

Ongoing fleet industry change is presenting unprecedented challenges for fleet decision-makers and that brings both complexity and opportunities. Fleet decisions makers need a helicopter view of what is going on in their fleet to make informed decisions. Having good systems and processes in place that effectively collect and analyse data is essential for fleets to […]

Government Confirms New Fuel Labels to Help End Misfuelling

Drivers will see new fuel pump labelling on forecourts by September in a bid to end incidents of misfuelling and help them understand the biofuel content of petrol and diesel when they fill up. The Department for Transport has said that it expects all filling stations to roll out the new labels on to pumps. […]

MEPs Vote For Mandatory Vehicle Safety Features

A host of new safety-related features are due to become mandatory on cars and commercial vehicles from 2022 following a vote by MEPs – with legislation anticipated to also be adopted by the UK after leaving the EU. A key committee of MEPs has voted through the range of new mandatory vehicle safety standards that […]

Corporate Manslaughter: Stop Ignoring Obvious Risks

With HSE estimating that around a quarter of road collisions involve someone using the road for work, Martin Evans, Managing Director of Jaama, has urged employers to stop relying on pure luck and do more to ultimately prevent fatalities. He said: “Driving is the UK’s most dangerous work-related activity and employers are responsible for managing the physical […]