Vehicle recalls and media hype (2)

The recall on Volkswagen diesel vehicles has captivated the world’s media in recent weeks because of it’s sheer size, and the disbelief that one of the world’s largest vehicle manufacturers would knowingly risk it’s reputation.   Shockwaves have been felt in the financial markets and there are reports that the demise of Volkswagen could send […]

Grey fleet Mis-management?

There are an estimated 14 million ‘grey fleet’ vehicles in the UK, but 56% of fleet managers with colleagues who drive their own cars on business say their organisation never physically check the roadworthiness of those vehicles.   That’s one of the key findings of ‘The 2015 Lex Autolease Report on Company Motoring’, which discovered […]

Phil Meadows appointed as Business Analyst

Jaama, the leading fleet management software supplier, has made a further appointment with the creation of a new role within its Key2 development team.
Experienced IT professional Phil Meadows has been appointed a business analyst within the team with his focus on understanding customers’ vehicle and driver management challenges and requirements and how they can better use the company’s Key2 system to deliver efficiencies through the improved utilisation of the functionally rich software.
Additionally, he will assist with the further development of Key2 to ensure it meets the ever-changing industry and fleet requirements.

Dedication to Customer Service Drives New Appointments

Leading software supplier Jaama has appointed two new senior project managers, Keith Newman and Elaine Pitts as demand for its sophisticated web-based fleet and asset management solutions continue to rise.
Mr Newman and Ms Pitts have joined the operations team responsible for implementing Jaama’s Key2 software and training new and existing customers to maximise system use.
Mr Newman, who spent a year living in the Amazon Rainforest in Guyana teaching GCSE level maths to Amerindian children in a remote village, has a lengthy IT project management career behind him that has seen him most recently employed by iSite where he spent two years managing property system implementations and development for high profile retail clients. 
Ms Pitts, who began her career in the diagnostics industry becoming involved in instrumentation and IT, has more than 20 years’ experience in project management of software development and delivery.

Driver CPC compliance hits almost 99%

One year on from the introduction of mandatory training for HGV drivers, the DVSA has revealed operators are almost entirely compliant. Almost 99% of drivers stopped at the roadside since the Driver CPC deadline passed one year ago were carrying their driver qualification card (DQC). Of the 89,000 vehicles that were stopped between 10 September […]


Skanska Fleet Size: 2500+ Mixed fleet of cars, LCVs andHGVs. Software used: Key2 Vehicle, Commercial Vehicle and Workshop Management. Cutting the fleet administration burden and utilising data to deliver financial savings were critical to Skanska in selecting a new vehicle management software system, but so was future proofing the technology. That’s why Skanska, one of […]

Skanska talk to Fleet World about reducing admin with Key2

Construction giant Skanska invested in Jaama’s Key2 software across its fleet of 1,600 company cars, 650 lcv’s and 250 heavy commercial vehicles to cut it’s fleet administration burden and utilise data to deliver financial savings. Skanka’s expansion through aquisition meant the fleet department was operating 2 systems functioning in parallel which, according to head of […]