The Government is changing the qualifying criteria for cars to be eligible for purchasing support under its ultra low emission vehicle plug-in grant scheme. The Department says the criteria is changing to take account of rapidly developing technology, and the growing range of ultra low emission vehicles on the market – 25 cars with a […]
The new drug driving law comes into play on the 2nd March in England and Wales. It includes prescription drugs however as long as you are following the advice of a healthcare professional and your driving isn’t impaired you should be fine The new law sets limits at very low levels for eight drugs commonly […]
The government has announced a rise in road casualties, with 24,360 people killed or seriously injured in the year ending September 2014, a 4% increase on the previous year. There was a 1% rise in deaths over the same period, which saw a 2% growth in traffic. In total there were 192,910 reported road […]
A new campaign to remind drivers taking medicines to check with their doctor or pharmacist before getting behind the wheel has been launched by the Department for Transport.
It comes ahead of the 2nd March introduction of new drug-drive legislation in England and Wales.
The Government says that so long as drivers follow the advice of a healthcare professional and their driving isn’t impaired they can continue to drive as usual and aren’t at risk of arrest.
Driverless cars, or “fully autonomous” vehicles could be on the UK’s roads in the late 2020s, according to a Government report.
However, before technology reaches that stage, vehicles will become available which can undertake increasingly large proportions of journeys autonomously – known as “high automation” – while still requiring that a driver takes manual control some of the time.
That’s the conclusion of a Department for Transport review, carried out over the past six months, which considered the best and safest ways to trial automated vehicles where an individual is ready to take control of the car if necessary.
On Sunday it became an offence punishable with a prison sentence of up to 12 months for phoning, texting or accessing the web while driving – but only if you live in Singapore…read more
The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is going national with the decision that Transport for London (TfL) has selected AECOM as the concessionaire to take over the management and operation of initiative. TfL-developed FORS in 2008 to improve road safety and help reduce the wider environmental and traffic impacts of freight and fleet operations. […]
Demand from employers for administratively simple but robust validation of employees’ driving licences will increase with the 2015 abolition of the paper counterpart to the photocard driving licence.
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