Fleet decision-makers on the frontline of managing vehicles are increasingly demanding that their software has the ability to fully integrate with other business systems and has the capacity to successfully import real-time data electronically from external suppliers and other organisations. Jason Francis, managing director of Jaama, says: ‘Fleet bosses in charge of cars and light commercial vehicles want a fleet management software hub that interfaces directly with software operated by other company departments, such as HR and payroll to avoid duplication of processes and data entry.
As the fleet manager faces growing pressure to run a fleet that is cost effective, meets Best Practice guidelines and complies with environmental and Duty of Care responsibilities, software is increasingly being used to provide the framework in which these demands can be met. Over the last 10 years, fleet software has become far more sophisticated and can benefit a number of different areas, from simple licence checking through to sophisticated risk, fleet and fuel management solutions. The latest development is to offer web-based systems for easy and quick implementation for fleets of all sizes. Such technology can help achieve substantial bottom line savings while ensuring that the company and individuals are meeting their requirements under the 2006 Road Safety Bill and the forthcoming Corporate Manslaugher Bill.
Jason Francis, managing director of fleet software and risk management specialist, Jaama, says: ‘Historically, a fleet operator would have their own fleet management software system that would effectively see them being an ‘island’ information resource. However, the pattern for other departments to at least heavily influence and perhaps manage fleet operations has resulted in significantly enhanced efficiencies. This has been led by departments only wanting to input data once and then seeing it automatically transcend systems and drive processes company-wide.
Many companies continue to believe, wrongly, that they have no responsibility for employees who drive their own cars on business,’ says Jason Francis, managing director of fleet software and risk management specialists Jaama. ‘It is imperative that the same monitoring process is in place for these people and their vehicles as for company-owned vehicles and their drivers.
The law clearly states that employers have an absolute legal health and safety responsibility for all employees who drive on business irrespective of who owns the vehicles. Therefore, Jaama has written a fleet policy template for staff who use their own vehicles and also a driver guide directed at these employees.
SAMANTHA Bowman has joined fleet software group Jaama as support analyst. The appointment is part of Jaama’s continued recruitment drive, which has seen the group double the number of staff it employs over the past 18 months. Ms Bowman will be responsible for providing technical support to fleets using Jaama’s products.
If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it, says Jason Francis, managing director of fleet software and risk management specialist Jaama.
Hundreds of companies continue to attempt to keep track of vehicles, drivers and operating costs on spread sheets and ultimately find themselves driving up a cul-de-sac. As a result, the acceleration towards buying cost-effective fleet management software is increasing, particularly among smaller companies.
Fast-growing fleet software and risk management experts Jaama has recruited an additional customer support analyst this year as the company kicks-off 2007 with further sales success, particularly with high profile contract wins from companies running large fleets.
Jaama’s Key2 Vehicle Management software enables companies to set their own business rules so that drivers, irrespective of whether they are at the wheel of a companyprovided vehicle or use their own private car on business trips, can feed in data to meet individually set timetables. Jason Francis, managing director of Jaama. says: ‘This method is changing altitudes and processes by getting the drivers to own the responsibility of capturing their mileage which brings a number of benefits. With companies looking to practice corporate social responsibility and climate change a major concern, the efficient management of mileage is crucial to putting in place environmental programmes.
STEPHEN Halford has joined Jaama as software support analyst responsible for offering technical support to fleets using Jaama software. He is also currently studying to become a certified Microsoft engineer. Halford’s appointment is part of the company’s ongoing investment in its software developers.